4 Freelancing Mindset for Better Freelancing Business


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I always want to be an entrepreneur since the job offers so many challenging work traits. However, I keep postponing it since I thought that it needed so much capital. I never knew that when I first entered the gig economy sphere, it also meant that I had started to build my own online business. 

Being a freelancer, often considered to build an entrepreneur business, because it also requires you to have a mindset and traits exactly the same as a businessman. Going freelance means you are working for yourself without a traditional employer. 

This profession is becoming an increasingly popular career choice. According to ruul.io, the global online freelancer market is booming, reaching 1.57 billion, and shows no signs of slowing down. While some freelancers said that they have so many fluctuations in project numbers, studies indicate a continued rise in freelancing over the coming years. 

Since the Norovirus hit, remote working and freelancing have become a trending approach to work. Technological advancements, the growing desire for work-life balance, and flexibility have driven many people to go freelance. 

However, thriving in this independent work environment goes beyond just technical skills. Soft skills such as building relationships, client communication, and problem-solving are crucial. Additionally, cultivating the right mindset is essential for achieving success in the world of freelancing. 

This article will delve into four key aspects of the freelancing mindset, equipping you with the foundational principles to climb the ladder of freelancing success 

Key aspects of freelancing mindset 

When I observed some of my friends who are successful and always fully booked with their projects, I find there are some key aspects of a freelancing mindset. A freelancing mindset is unique to your expertise. Here are some mindsets that always set them apart. 

#1. Ownership and accountability

Stepping into the world of freelancing is akin to starting your own online business. It requires a strong ownership and accountability mindset. Even if you do your services alone, as your own boss, you are also responsible for everything from finding clients and managing workloads, delivering high-quality work and maintaining a positive reputation. 

This includes setting your rates, handling taxes, and ensuring your work meets deadlines and client expectations. 

Remember, being your own boss means proactivity and responsibility. You take ownership of your choices and their outcomes, embracing both the creativity and challenges that come with solving problems and making decisions independently. 

This ownership mindset fosters accountability and a dedication to delivering exceptional results for your clients. 

#2. Growth mindset 

The world of freelancing keeps on advancing. There is no other option than to stop learning and growing. It means, cultivating a growth mindset is a must for freelancers. Such a mindset not only allows you to succeed in your career but also allows you to face uncertain conditions, such as those that are natural for the self-employed. 

A growth mindset is not only about coping with difficult situations, but also about a willingness to grow your skills through effort and dedication. Your skillset is like growing plants, which you should be nourishing with proper nutrition and water. 

A freelancer with a growth mindset will have characteristics such as: 
  • Staying updated with industry trends. Set aside some time to update your information by attending conferences, reading an industry publication or journal, or simply joining a community
  • Learning new technologies. One day, you may find some of your friends talking about Figma for drawing their mind maps. Even if you are so familiar with MindMeister, it is not wrong to adapt your skills and stay relevant by learning Figma. Moreover, when you find some jobs, mention it in their job requirements. 
  • Enrolling in new courses or workshops. Thanks to the internet, upgrading skills is not a barrier any more. Choose some courses that attract your interest, or those that help you master your current skills more. This constant learning journey is crucial for thriving in the evolving freelancing landscape. 

By embracing a growth mindset and actively seeking opportunities to improve, you ensure your skills remain sharp and your value proposition stays competitive. 


#3. Resilience and self-motivation 

As I mentioned in the paragraphs above, the path of freelance work is not always smooth sailing. Unpredictable income, project delays, unpaid invoices, and client feedback can be real challenges. What sets successful freelancers apart is their ability to bounce back from setbacks and keep moving forward. This requires both resilience and self-motivation. 

Resilience is your ability to adapt and overcome challenges. You face difficulties, learn from them, and don't let them discourage you. Self-motivation is your internal drive to keep going, even when faced with setbacks or slow periods. It's about staying positive, focused, and motivated even when you don't feel like it. 

You may feel discouraged when talking about resilience; but if you are a fan of Prof. Huberman, you should know that we all have aMCC that will enable us to build inner strength. Check out my article about it to find out how to use the Anterior Mid-Cingulate Cortex to build your inner strength. 

 #4. Time management and organization 

That said, health and wellness are our valuable assets. But for freelancers, time management and organization are also the other valuable assets. In my opinion, self management and time management are also important for freelancers. 

Sometimes, you may close several projects at a time. So you need to juggle from one task to another, set deadlines for different clients, thus without proper time management, you can't ensure delivering high-quality work on time while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 

Being a master of time management means: 
  1. Able to prioritize tasks: Identify the most important tasks for each project and tackle them first. Tools like to-do lists or project management software can help you stay on track. 
  2. Setting realistic deadlines: Be honest with yourself and your clients about what you can achieve within a specific timeframe. 
  3. Managing your schedule: Block out dedicated time slots for specific tasks in your calendar, ensuring you focus on high-priority projects and avoid distractions. 

Remember to also schedule breaks and personal time to prevent burnout. There are so many tools and techniques that will help you master time management and organizing skills. Take some time to learn and decide which tools and techniques most match your daily activities. 

Cultivating the freelancer mindset for new freelancers 

Growing freelancing mindsets is not easy. I myself cultivate them for some years (and it’s still continuing by now). So if you are new too self development, I suggest you to take a little step forward every day and use some strategies to help you maintain consistency;  

#1. Self-assessment 

Before embarking on your freelance journey, knowing yourself is crucial. 

It requires self-awareness, recognizing your strengths and weaknesses. 
  • What are you passionate about? 
  • What skills do you excel at? 
  • Are you detail-oriented and organized, or do you thrive in a more creative environment? 
Additionally, consider your risk tolerance: 
  • Are you comfortable with a potentially fluctuating income? or 
  • Do you prefer a stable pay cheque? 
Define your desired work-life balance: 
  • How much flexibility do you want in your schedule? 

Answering these questions sets a strong foundation for navigating the path of freelancing. 

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 #2. Develop a growth mindset 

Remember, the learning never stops in the world of freelancing. Embrace a growth mindset, believing you can develop your skills and knowledge through continuous learning. 

Numerous resources are available to fuel your development: online courses and workshops offer focused learning opportunities, while industry publications and online communities keep you updated on the latest trends and knowledge in your field. 

Commit to continuous learning, and you'll be well-equipped to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving world of freelancing. 

#3. Build your foundation 

Before diving headfirst, take some time to build a solid foundation for your freelance career. Setting initial goals will provide direction and motivation. These could be financial goals, skill development goals, or project completion targets. 

Additionally, develop a basic business plan, outlining the core aspects of your freelance business. This plan should identify the services you offer, your target audience, your pricing strategy, and initial marketing strategies to attract clients. 

#4. Start small and build momentum 

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day! Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to take on a full workload immediately. Instead, start small and gradually build your experience and momentum. 

Consider taking on smaller projects or offering introductory discounts to attract initial clients. Focus on exceeding their expectations to build a positive reputation and secure positive testimonials. Building a network of other freelancers and seeking guidance from experienced professionals can also be invaluable. This network can offer support, advice, and potential collaboration opportunities, helping you navigate the freelance landscape more confidently. 

By following these steps, you can cultivate the essential mindset and take concrete actions to be a successful and fulfilling freelance journey. Remember, it's a continuous learning process. Embrace the challenges, stay focused, and enjoy the freedom and flexibility that freelancing offers! 

Wrap up

The freelancing mindset is the cornerstone of success in this independent work environment. It's about owning your responsibilities, embracing continuous learning, and cultivating resilience in the face of challenges. 

By developing these key qualities and actively cultivating your skills, you equip yourself to thrive in the ever-evolving world of freelancing. Keep in your mind continuous learning and adaptation are essential for staying relevant and competitive. Embrace the freedom and flexibility that freelancing offers, and don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. 

Take action, be persistent, and enjoy the journey as you embark on your successful freelance adventure. The future of your career and the possibilities are in your hands!

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